Dear friends and colleagues,

First of all, I wish you all a very happy, healthy and successful 2017.

I am pleased to invite you to attend our next Charity Law & Policy Unit Seminar which we will be holding at the London Campus.

This will be a presentation by CLPU colleague, Dr John Picton, who will be talking about his latest research:

‘Donor Motivation and its Legal Impact’

Dr John Picton, Charity Law & Policy Unit, University of Liverpool

15th February 2017,  6pm – 7pm

Please note that this event takes place at the London Campus.

Feel free to forward this message to interested parties.

To register your attendance please click here.

All good wishes from Debra Morris



Debra Morris SFHEA
Professor of Charity Law & Policy
Head of School of Law and Social Justice
Director, Charity Law & Policy Unit
School of Law and Social Justice
University of Liverpool
Eleanor Rathbone Building
Bedford Street South
L69 7ZA

Tel: 0151 794 2825