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2019 CLA conference presentations

  1. Simon Gillespie, British Heart Foundation
  2. Aarti Thakor, Director of Legal Services at the Charity Commission and Rebecca Fry, Head of Legal Policy at the Charity Commission
  3. Mindy Jhittay, Bates Wells
  4. Andrew Purkis, Matthew Smith, Maitland Chambers and Alison Talbot, Winckworth Sherwood
  5. Simon Macintosh, Turcan Connell, Jenny Ebbage, Edwards & Co and Eve Piffaretti, Blake Morgan
  6. Richard Bray, Vice-Chair of Charity Tax Group and Regulatory and Taxes Manager at Cancer Research UK
  7. Neil Burton, Mills & Reeve and James Cross, Moore Kingston Smith
  8. Jacqui Lazare, Royds Withy King and Thomas Dumont QC, Radcliffe Chambers

  • Version Final
  • Download 54
  • File Size 10.91 MB
  • File Count 15
  • Create Date October 7, 2019
  • Last Updated October 8, 2019
Simon Gillespie CLA Update.pdf
Aarti Thakor and Rebecca Fry Charity Commission Strategy.pdf
Mindy JhittayTransgender inclusion.pdf
Andrew Purkis Rough Justice.pdf
Matthew Smith Perspectives on the Oxfam Inquiry Report.pdf
Alison Talbot Oxfam Statutory Inquiry.pdf
Simon Mackintosh an update from Scotland.pdf
Jenny Ebbage review from Northern Ireland.pdf
Eve Piffaretti Safeguarding and protecting people in Wales.pdf
Richard Bray review of the recommendations of the Charity Tax Commission.pdf
Neil Burton - Mills and Reeve.pdf
James Cross Charities and trading Tax and Accounting issues.pdf
Jacqui Lazare Legal and cases update.pdf
Jacqui Lazare legal update references and links.pdf
Thomas Dumont QC Legal and cases update.pdf