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Thursday, 3 June 2021 at 5.00pm

by Video Link


1. To receive and consider the Annual Directors’ Report on the business and
activities of the CLA and the accounts for the financial year ended 31
December 2020 (Anjali Kothari, Treasurer)
2. To reappoint Sheen Stickland LLP as auditors to the CLA (Jo Coleman, Chair)
3. To note the results of the 2021 elections to the Board of Directors (Elizabeth
Jones, Secretary)
4. Any other business

After the AGM business is concluded there will be the following presentations:

A. Jo Coleman, Womble Bond Dickinson (UK) LLP – Chair’s remarks
B. Clive Sheldon QC, 11KBW, – Learning the lessons from conducting a major
C. Ruth Douglas, Charity Commission, The Charities Bill and the Government
response on the Law Commission’s Report on Technical Issues in Charity Law
D. Chris Knight and Jos Moule, VWV, Online meetings – pitfalls and practical pointers
after a year of meeting on screen
E. Written update presented by Adrian Pashley of PLC.