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Monday, 26 November 2018 at 5.00pm


Bircham Dyson Bell LLP

50 Broadway

London  SW1H 0BL


  1. Nicola Evans (BDB) – Chair’s opening remarks
  2. Charities SORP Committee Governance Review 2018/19 – Professor Gareth Morgan, Independent Chair of the Oversight Panel
  3. Conflict of Loyalties: Guidance and Best Practice – Matthew Smith, Maitland Chambers
  4. Charity Commission Strategy 2018-2023: the Commission, charities and how we can work together to inspire trust – Rebecca Fry, Head of Legal Policy and Neal Green, Strategy and Insight, Charity Commission
  5. The Charity Digital Code: what it means for you and your clients – Chris Willis Pickup, Taylor Vinters and Zoe Amar, Zoe Amar Digital
  6. Q&A
  7. Drinks and Networking