The Charity First Series has just announced a new publication – Practical Guidance on Organising and Operating a US Charity, i.e. a 501(c)(3) Organisation, authored by Kristin Konschnik and Jaime McLemore of Withers LLP.

Attached is further information and full text of the press release. Or, if you prefer, go straight to our web announcement here.

While you’re there you might have a look at our other charity publications including the recently launched Gift Aid Guide.

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Press Release

The Charity First Series – Special Announcement

Withers produces the beginner’s guide to US charity rules

Withers’ partner Kristin Konschnik and associate Jaime McLemore have authored a guide for charities targeting the valuable US fund-raising market.

The guide provides a clear and practical explanation of how charities can obtain and maintain US charitable status, with a summary of federal tax rules applicable to charities operating in the US.

The potentially significant fundraising and operational implications of qualification as a public charity or private foundation are discussed in detail. In addition, the guide clarifies the complex rules governing tax deductible donations and addresses some of the most relevant international aspects for charities.

The guide, to be launched on 19 February 2014, is published by The Charity First Series, which is building a wide-ranging library of essential handbooks for not-for-profit organisations.


Organising and Operating a US Charity


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