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Twenty-Fifth CLA Annual Conference

Thursday, 3rd October 2019
at Kings Place, 90 York Way, London N1 9AG

Conference programme

9.30 – 10.00 Registration
10.00 – 10.05 Welcome and Introduction CLA Chair: Nicola Evans, BDB Pitmans LLP Conference Chairs: Elizabeth Jones, Farrer & Co  and Ben Brice, Blake Morgan LLP
10.05 – 10.30 Keynote speech Simon Gillespie, British Heart Foundation
10.30 – 10.55 The Charity Commission’s Strategy Aarti Thakor, Director of Legal Services at the Charity Commission and Rebecca Fry, Head of Legal Policy at the Charity Commission
10.55 – 11.25 Transgender Inclusion: Legal Considerations for Charities Mindy Jhittay, Bates Wells Braithwaite LLP
11.25 – 11.55 COFFEE BREAK
11.55 – 12.50 Perspectives on the Oxfam Inquiry Report Andrew Purkis, Matthew Smith, Maitland Chambers and Alison Talbot, Winckworth Sherwood
12.50 – 13.15 Review from Scotland, Northern Ireland and Wales Simon Macintosh, Turcan Connell, Jenny Ebbage, Edwards & Co and Eve Piffaretti, Blake Morgan LLP
13.15 – 14.15 Lunch
14.15 – 14.40 Review of the NCVO Charity Tax Commission recommendations Richard Bray, Vice-Chair of Charity Tax Group and Regulatory and Taxes Manager at Cancer Research
14.40 – 15.20 Trading subsidiaries: Refresher on technical legal and accounting issues Neil Burton, Mills & Reeve and James Cross, Moore Kingston Smith LLP
15.20 – 15.55 Legal and cases update Jacqui Lazare, Royd Withy King LLP and Tom Dumont QC, Radcliffe Chambers
15.55 – 16.00 Closing remarks, followed by tea and cake Elizabeth Jones, Farrer & Co  and Ben Brice, Blake Morgan LLP




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